Bibliothek Scaning Service
The Bergheim Campus Library provides members of Heidelberg University with scaning service. The reproduction and transmission of essays in electronic form is for the sole purpose of illustration for teaching or scientific research and to the extent justified by the non-commercial purpose.
Please send you scan task to campus-bibliothek(at)
necessary information
- Name+Surname
- UniID
- Signature from Heidi (Tasks are only possible for WS/... or LB-... signatures) +media number
- Bibliographic references: author+ title, year of publication, page reference and and consequently number of the chapter.
- In case of journal articles, please inform us of the journal title!

Regulations for Ordering
- We process scan orders only of books and journals that are available at the Campus Library Bergheim
- You can make maximum 5 scan orders per day.
- Please check before the order by Heidi if the book or journal is online available. If Heidelberg University provides the online access, the scan order is not possible.
- Ensure that the book is not currently borrowed, otherwise we cannot fulfil your scan oreder.
- Can orders can be fulfilled only under the copyright regime. Accordingly, books cannot be scanned completely. According to Paragraph 60 of the Copyright act only separate essays or monographs, as a rule up to 10 percent of a work, can be scanned.
Regulations of Copyright act of Heidelberg University
Regulations of Order Processing
Scan task can be processes from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4 p.m., as a rule within 24 up to 72 hours.
Scan orders that have been made after 4 p.m. or at weekends will be processes on the next working day.