
Doctoral StudiesAll Around Doctoral Studies

Heidelberg University supports the doctoral candidates offering them a wide range of advising and support. Apart from the PhD office, the service point of the Graduate Academy provides information about financial assistance, career development matters and life in Heidelberg.

Offers of the Graduate Academy

The Graduate Academy is ready to help you in matters around the doctoral studies about the following topics:

  • Advising about sources of funding
  • Enrollment of international doctoral candidates
  • Support in visa issues
  • Information about  life and leisure in Heidelberg etc.

HeiDOCS Grants

As the university's first faculty, 2018 the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences developed a program to further develop the academic framework for doctoral students. The Rectorate of Ruperto Carola gave the financial support to implement the planned measures. Thus, the process of individual doctorate is promoted sustainably and comprehensively. The following measures can be supported:

  • mobility and travel grants
  • grants for professional proofreading of academic texts for publication
  • grants for the purchase and/or collection of data sets
  • grants to support joint doctoral initiatives such as workshops and conferences