Bibliothek Information for Teaching Staff
If you are new at the Faculty or you would like just to get an overall picture about the service of the Campus Library Bergheim for students, here you can find all important information for your work.
Borrowing of Books
- For borrowing books you have to unlock your Uni-ID, then you get a Service-Card by post.
- The service-card is your library ID-card for the Campus Library Campus, Main Library Altstadt, Branch Library Neuenheim and CATS Library.
- You can get an additional library card if needed (for example, for an assistant). Please note that with this card you can borrow books on your name and are liable for them.
- A part of our holdings are textbook collections. It is also possible to borrow books for a short-time to make copies.
- Registration for Employees of Heidelberg University with a UniID
- Current Semster Reserve Collection of the Campus Library Bergheim
- Acquisition request of the Campus Library Bergheim
- Heidelberg University Bibliography (heiBIB)
- Open Access Publikationsfond Uni Heidelberg
- Publishing at the University Library
- Training courses for Doctoral Candidates
A Book is not Available in the Library Stock?
Is the book that you need for your work or studies is not available in the Campus Library stock? Then you can make acquirement suggestion and we shall acqire the book in coordination with the institutes. If you wish, we can also check if the book is available as online resource.
Current Semester Reserve Collection
We can arrange semester reserve collection for the courses of the Faculty teaching stuff.
- The books can not be lent during the term time and are available for students directly on the ground floor.
- Books from the stock of the Campus Library, University Library and CATS Library can be collected.
- Books that are not available can be acquired by the library.
Please send us the bibliography for your semester reserve collection as soon as possible before the beginning of the term, because books are often lent or have to be bought. If you take up your position at the institute shortly before the beginning of the term or for example begin to work as a lecturer, you can contact with the library staff in advance.
Lack of Classrooms?
Teaching staff and tutors of the faculty can reserve one of the representation rooms for classes (room 1.040 and 2.034).
- The room size is suitable for about 15 persons
- It is equipped with projector or projector + smart board
Contact us to reserve a room for a weekly appointment or a block seminar.
You have not got all answers to your questions? Contact us!
Come to our reception desk on the ground floor, call us or write an email.